The 3rd day in a row that I've made my dad a lunch to bring to work. It's one of my greatest joys!! I might finally be able to really love my daddy and take care of him through making his lunch--loving him through his stomach? :D I looove making his lunch (and breakfast)! I started today's at 6:20am, after getting back from hoon dok he at church <3
PBJ bagel <3
I know it looks really pitiful... but we were running low on snacks after two days of lunches! Saltine crackers, a sizzler candy, and gum ><; I want to give my dad more, but he's not Japanese so he doesn't eat rice bentos, or any Asian things for lunch...
Really pitiful... a ginger snap and a homemade lemon bar (the last one, made by my sister last Saturday).
I learned how to make egg sandwiches yesterday! Just for my daddy <3 Egg on dark rye sammich~
All packed up with a Fiber One 50 calorie Strawberry yogurt and water bottle, and ice :)
Oatmeal, meet blogspot. Blogspot, meet the breakfast I've eaten for the past three months straight. So heart warming, heart healthy, and delicious. 1/3 cup of oatmeal with 3 of the smallest raisins from the container is my diet breakfast <3