In music theory, at college, we have to take singing exams! That was definitely unexpected. But I just had my second one this morning, singing the minor natural scale: do re me fa so la ti do ~ do te le so fa me re do. I had never heard of it! Last time was the major scale, intervals and thirds, and I got 97% for going flat on two notes... and this morning, I got 98% for messing up me for mi on the way down, but I was happy. That is the only really scary thing in college... singing exams. Other than AWKWARD scary, at dance class. Tonight's class will determine if I will continue or drop it. Last week I had to dance with a guy who smelled like beer. There is another boy who is way too touchy I want to scream and run away and scrub myself with acid.
I took ballroom in the first place to learn how to dance so I could dance with my future husband... now I'm beginning to wonder if that was a good idea. Wouldn't it be more wonderful to learn ballroom WITH your husband, together? That's what I should have thought in the beginning...
Lucifer is taking so long to learn! But I will have it up by this weekend, I have to! ><; Though tomorrow is completely full, volunteering and playing piano at church... Sunday is church and ah playing piano twice for two services actually... but Monday is no school... unless work pops up... well! I should not be dilly dallying online like this!