Mr. Mims and I played a saxophone + piano duet of "My Country Tis of Thee" yups... then I played like every song I knew lol ><; I messed up so bad... the newest song I know (just for fun, took like three minutes! :D) is" If I were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof XD I love that song! Then we noticed something was very, very wrong.
My dog was missing. The fireworks make him bark, and he must've run down the street to I dunno... get to them.
So instead of a big dinner barbeque, me my two little sisters and I ran off around the block, down the street, shouting for Jake our little Welsh corgi. I rode a lil kid's bike down to the main street, around the block, even all the way to school and back but couldn't find any sign of him. I was wearing my glasses so I could actually SEE, and also my big purple helmet so I must've looked stupid and ugly. These Mexican girls laughed at me as I rode past. Just for that, I wished I had enough willpower in me to starve myself.
But HAAAHHH I'm not bent by those around me that give in to the horrible, "skinny is beautiful" and beauty is everything American culture!!!!!!
I'm bent to the Asian one =(
Anyway... God gave me a chance to pucker up my courage and actually ASK someone nearby if they'd seen Jake. These two girls playing ball accidentally kicked the ball into the street, which I was just jay-riding across. I kicked it back and asked them. They were so nice! Thank you, God<3 But no, they hadn't seen them. I rode home, my dad was just leaving in the car, I jumped in, we picked up my lil sister Kristy on the way (near tears) saw Misa (crying) riding her bike near school, drove even to the big main street but aw man if he made it that far, he'd be run over for sure.
I prayed to God that I was sorry for all the times I yelled at him, kicked him, scolded him (I'M HORRIBLE!!!! It was because he was scratching, eating himself because of the fleas!!!) and said if we found him alive, I'd never scold him/treat him badly again.
The last thing I wanted was to find Jake dead. Road kill. And it wasn't even because of the sight of him, or the loss of him maybe... but because he's Misa's happiness... I think that'd be the end of Jake died, for her. And then... I dunno... I realized that the happiness of others around me was my happiness.
We go home. Misa's still riding her bike far away. Everyone at the barbeque asks if we found him. Nope. We get out, and dad goes to the van.
"Hey maybe he's in the van, locked in?" he asks. It was possible... he jumps in the van whenever he has the chance, he likes it that much. My dad opened the door.
"It sure smells like him..." Yeah, Jake really stinks because of his... "disease." My dad collapsed the middle seat to look in the back.
Every single person at the barbeque must've crowded around the van as Jake peered at them, like he had just been sleeping. Sleeping on a book for crying out loud, in the back seat of Shun-san (
The barbeque continues!! I feel sick at the thought of food these days, so I skip dinner though I'm so hungry after biking/sweating/worrying. I just drink water. Everyone else is done with food. It's still bright. I play more piano, trying to squeeze out "Sakura" "Sen no Kaze ni Natte" "Amazing Grace" and stuff... I wish I had friends that played music like me. It's sad to do solo unless it's an amazing song. I wish I had friends (I do... but.. like Hannah's in college, and is PRO VIOLIN no time to com eover to high schooler's house and just... play. She's my teacher, anyway ^^) that played violin, or guitar, or even piano too, or VIOLA, cello, harmonica, or SOMETHING. I'm lonely in terms of people like me =(
Oh yeah, I recorded the last parts of "Doushite Kimi wo..." piano tutorial with firework and talking bg noises... ^^
When the Dursts arrive, it's dark enough for fireworks!!! From then it was just crazy. Um, fireworks are illegal where we live but we always do them. HA. It's not like we're gonna start a forest fire or anything. We did sparklers, and all this stuff I don't know what it's called. I'm gonna make a big video and upload it! :D It was awesome. I screamed so much lol. We jumped over the ones that spout fire and sparks...
Mr. Eisenman and Steven like, lit stuff under this pipe that had a fireworks or PEAR in it, then BOOM it exploded and shot the pear into the air lol. And other things, like rocks? Spattered the rooftops LOLOL. It was funniest when the flaming fireworks they exploded into the air landed right at our feet, to our screams XD Jake was terrified and cowering the whole time, looking for shelter. Dad had to bring him inside.
Aw I wish it wasn't so dark...!! Basically, Mr. Eisenman exploded something I screamed the loudest (only person? ><) and Jake ran off behind us, Misa went to comfort him "He's shivering!!"
After fireworks (we can hardly see other's fireworks, like big ones in the sky but we saw a few ^^) people drifted home, mostly parents. Then us kids played freeze-tag for the first times in months. I'm glad I didn't eat anything, or else I couldn't have run as fast as I did (though that's not very fast ><).
William, Taka, Satomi, Ta-chan, Tomohide, Takahide, Rory, Wonju, and me XD There was lots of screaming (mostly me, I'm so sorry neighbors ><) and running and sweating and hiding and getting tagged lol. Is it possible for the people not "It" to win? The runners lost both times lol. I mostly hid. Under the motorhome with the leaked oil lol, but hey i was completely safe. Last one tagged xp
Second time was terrifying! Would've been more, if Mr. Eisenman was It (OMG) but I went in to pray with my family for 7 minutes, and after he didn't want to be It anymore so Takahide was it, but Mrs. Hishinuma didn't want us to go in the back anymore because we scream too much (I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!) so we played in the front. It was pretty scary, dodging and hiding behind cars and trampolines and stuff lol... if you get tagged three times you get to be It too ^^
I couldn't take it anymore I dove under the trailer to hide lol, Takahide was so fast and scary!!!! I caught my breath, looked at my watch, then snuck out, terrified. When I heard footsteps I curled into a ball and hoped it wasn't the It person.
But it was, when I looked up.
"Hi..." he said, waving, LOL.
I SCREAMED and ran away, and i was amazed i got away...!? for a bit... maybe he did tag me but i didn't feel it. well i kept running, screaming, then looked back thinking he wasn't chasing anymore but then he said something and omg he was right there so i gave a burst of speed and then repeated it, thinking he'd stopped chasing but then LOLOL tagged.
Crazy, crazy... XD
William was tagged last, and we lost again. Everyone was shining with sweat lol, and it's all dark and cool outside!
We played card games until Takahide and Tomohide had to go inside... well then we played more, then i realized i had lost my watch. i kinda need that watch, with its timer, light, underwater capabilities and date and TIME der, the pink one that's sometimes shown in my piano videos lol ^^ i went to look for it myself, saying it's okay they could continue playing cards and i could look by myself. But then...
"Too bad, we're coming anyway!" Taka said.
OMG I was... touched...
We didn't find it, (this morning, on the 5th, even i still can't find it) but that time with my neighbors/friends was awesome and i'm so happy to be me.
Satomi, Taka William and I stayed up until 1:20 am outside, the latest any of us have been outside without parents!!!! Lots of firework SOUNDS, we watched and tried to flare the fire back up, sat at the table, talked about Harry Potter, and everyone was waiting for ME to say the words "I wanna go inside" LOL. I was most tired (my stomach hurt so bad, I was so hungry [no dinner, right] thirsty and i had never run that much for... YEARS.) and it was cold now, and stuff... yeah we all went in ^^ No one was tired but me lol xp
The best 4th of July, ever. Just one thing that could've improved it... Having the One Heart people here. Justin, Jean, Motoyasu... then it would've been fuller and hopefully better? =)
I love my family, friends and neighbors so much ♥
hey, really admire ur life... u can speak so many languages and r good in piano... do u have msn? mind to add me so we can be friends?
nice to know u...^V^
Good post.
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