Friday, February 25, 2011


The world has ended so many times over.
How... just how does it keep going so mercilessly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Korean American Guy fan.

For the longest time I watched your youtube video's and thought to myself, this girl reminds me so much of how I wished I could play in Highschool. I never new you were depressed or dealt with all these problems before I just listened to your music. Today, I saw you had your own page and decided to click on your blog link.

I'll pray for you tonight, that you will be fine tomorrow. When I'm feeling down, when I wake up in the morning I think of all of the beautiful things in the world that makes me happy, including simple things like how beautiful the sunrise and sunsets are and how amazing it is we are alive. I honestly hope you feel better and please know from your videos, you play amazingly and you can tell your family loves you and trust me you will have no problem finding a guy, your very very cute!! <3 : )