Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Waving Hello = <3

I've always wanted to wave to those poor people wearing green cloth Statue of Liberty outfits, waving the sign for the employee around. I don't even remember what the sign says, after so many times of driving past them lol!

Well today, while driving to the Chinese market, I saw it: my chance! I wanted to wave to Liberty Guy! :D

I waved frantically, my mouth open in hopeful exaggeration. He wasn't gonna see, noooo! But then right when we passed, he looked up and saw, and his mouth curved up in a disbelieving grin and he let go of his sign to wave back.

I was so hyper with gleeful energy all day after that XD I was so happy!!!! I carried the 50lb. bag of rice from the store, talked to my mom in Japanese kya! XD Called my Korean teacher and did my homework (I had been terrified of this "leave a message in Korean" homework) just fine, helped my dad fix the car window (gah, so frustrating, though ><;), recorded (currently uploading) You Can guitar tutorial GAH I GIVE UP, I WON'T REFUSE EVERYONE ANYMORE X_________________X; and I think it all started with the good condition of going to church for 5am hoon dok he again this morning ^^; Even though my brain was wandering the whole prayer time... -___-;

I want to be a happy person. ALWAYS, always smiling. 항상 웃고 있는 사람. Not only that, but someone who makes others smile too...

I have a long way to go, starting with getting rid of all my fears and insecurities *fighting* I have a plan. And it starts pretty soon. If I succeed, I will be ready to tell my parents that I'm ready to be matched by the end of summer vacation =)

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