I've been following your blog and sincerely, I have no idea what you're going through. It must be tough, but here's what I want to say:
With all my heart I hope the disorders that you have will eventually disappear. We have the right to our bodies, our minds. We cannot let them take control and win. One day, you will begin (and never stop) to love yourself for who you are, how you look. You will overcome this and win!
Lina onni...!!! Ahh you've been reading my evilness... ahh... I don't know how it must sound to a person who's never been around someone like me... It'll never just disappear, I don't think, but I am trying so hard with the help of my therapist to overcome it and fully recover... It so helps to know you support me... and other youtube-related friends I've never even met, but support me... <3 I'm looking forward to the day I can love myself, and be more to the world and people I care about... :) Thank you so much, onni... <3
Dear Jen,
I've been following your blog and sincerely, I have no idea what you're going through. It must be tough, but here's what I want to say:
With all my heart I hope the disorders that you have will eventually disappear. We have the right to our bodies, our minds. We cannot let them take control and win. One day, you will begin (and never stop) to love yourself for who you are, how you look. You will overcome this and win!
Lina 언니
Lina onni...!!! Ahh you've been reading my evilness... ahh... I don't know how it must sound to a person who's never been around someone like me... It'll never just disappear, I don't think, but I am trying so hard with the help of my therapist to overcome it and fully recover... It so helps to know you support me... and other youtube-related friends I've never even met, but support me... <3 I'm looking forward to the day I can love myself, and be more to the world and people I care about... :) Thank you so much, onni... <3
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